Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We're All Mad Here

I know this isn't breaking news, and I'm quite ashamed of myself that I didn't find the pictures sooner, but here's a few looks from the up and coming remake of Alice in Wonderland by the genius that is Tim Burton. It has a great cast and a few pictures have been released, but the best part is that Johnny Depp has been cast as the Mad Hatter. My love for him just grows deeper! Enjoy.

Off with her head.


Melissa said...

Yes, we are all Mad!!
I can not wait for this movie. I posted something about this when it was a whisper of an idea and now I can hardly contain myself. Tim Burton has a place in my artistic heart but Johnny Depp can have just about anything else!


Fariha M said...

cant wait!! all the characters look wonderful and btw i awarded you on my blog a while ago you should check it out.

Amanda said...

I, like Melissa, heard about this so long ago so I have been waiting so long for it! Be happy that you only found out now. :)I'm obsessed with all things Alice in Wonderland. Can't wait!