Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gone For a Second a Second, Now I'm Back Again

So I had a few days off from blogging, but don't worry I haven't left. It was Father's Day weekend, Happy Belated to all the Father's out there, and I was quite busy with gorgeous weather! I know I always have Jameson with me, but the perfectionist, and the visual person that I am, I feel like I need to always include pictures. I'm trying to get over that, this is my attempt. I'm at the golfing range with my sister and seeing as how I don't golf, I'm just out enjoying the sun. Any chance I can get! I feel like I had so much to say about things or thoughts from the past few days, but I'm totally drawing a blank. Hmmmmm. I suck. Father's Day was good. We got my dad a book, some wine, and a few cigars. Woooo hooo! We went over to my aunts, grilled out, then my feet freakishly swelled up. They blew up like balloons. Funny thing is, I'm not allergic to anything. I didn't eat anything weird either. In fact we hadn't even ate dinner when they blew up. So then I spent half the evening with my feet up icing them. Then rolled in the drama. My cousin, who at 30 decided she was a lesbian, just broke up with her first serious girlfriend, over something quite frankly dumb. And I had my best friend blowing up my phone about the fight she got into with a guy she likes. I was like Dear Abby giving out advice left and right. (Okay I don't even think I know who Dear Abby is, but I feel like she gave out advice). My cousin was being immature, and my friend, well she was kind of growing up. Its like for the first time she realized her usual antics aren't going to get her very far in life. That there doesn't always have to be drama. I'm proud of her, even if she doesn't realize it. For my cousin I saw her again today and she and her girlfriend are talking and working it out. So I feel like it was a job well done. As for my feet they are alive and well and normal sized. Omg that's the other thing, my feet. So I went for one of my nightly runs and stepped into a pot hole type thing, when I did it, it was like slo-mo turned on and I had enough time to think to myself, oh crap here we go I'm going down and then pondering how I was going to cover up scrapes on my legs. But alas, nothing happened. I was like sweet. I continued to keep going, I had 3 more miles left, and there was no pain. The next day I didn't feel anything, but I was confined to the house to wait for plumbers and people to put new counters in the kitchen, so I didn't move around a lot. Well I went to go for another run when the were done and made it about a block because I was experiencing shooting pain in my foot. Well. I decided I'd at least walk if I didn't feel pain (something I'd tell my patients as well), well I didn't, I walked for 3 miles only. Went inside fine. Well I could barely walk for the next 2 days. Putting pressure resulted in shooting pain up my leg and me almost falling over. It was great. I hate being immobile. I've decided I have a stress fracture. I firmly disagree in no pain no gain, your body is telling you something is wrong. So I've stayed off of it, and swam the past 2 days. I'm not feeling any pain, so I'm gonna try running again tonight. Cross your fingers. Okay she's out of balls time to go! More later, it is tuesday's tunes day... Don't worry I haven't forgotten.

Sunshine and smiles.

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