Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This Womans Work

Oh my fucking god. Did anyone see So You Think You Can Dance tonight?! The piece by Tyse Diorio (will check spelling later), preformed by Ade and Melissa, about breast cancer, WOW. I have never been so emotionally moved by dance before and that was beyond incredible. I knew from the first note of the music (being a huge She's having a baby fan) that I was in for it, and having a breast cancer scare myself. Holy crap. I cried like a baby. I don't know when the last time a minute and a half moved me so much. Wow. Amazing. Utterly amazing. If you didn't watch it or haven't or don't even watch the show at all, I reccommend atleast checking out that clip. It was incredible, and moving. And I don't know a soul who wouldn't feel something after seeing that.

Off to go run now. Be back shortly.
Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That song is one of my all time favs!