I am sitting here in shock. In the middle of me making dinner at my parent's, my mother comes into the kitchen and tells me that Farrah Fawcett died. Very sad, but we all saw it coming, hoped and prayed for the best but she was very sick. Then my little sister comes out of

nowhere and is like MICHAEL JACKSON DIED?! WHAT? I freaked as was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! She goes I don't know I just got a text. And low and behold it was true. The King of Pop has died today at age 50. This is the only point where I will address this, I don't care what your feelings are on his personal life, whether or not you believe he molested children, whether or not you thought he treated his children oddly, whether or not you agreed with his skin bleaching or plastic surgery, you better DAMN have respect. This man did so much for

popular music, and music just in general he deserves to be respected. From what he did in the Jackson 5, to his solo career, to his helping along other aspiring artists, he did so much. Pure genius. Death in itself deserves to be respected. He barely lived his life. This is so utterly sad. He gave us countless amounts of amazing songs. He gave us the moonwalk. At age 4, I wore a button of his and proclaimed that I would marry him. At age 4 1/2 I went to my first concert ever, Michael Jackson's Bad Tour. I even remember what I wore, my favorite blue cardigan. I am truly sad for such a loss to this world. Don't act like when you hear a Michael Jackson tune that you don't start tappin your toes or singing along. I have immediately changed my music to a tribute to the King of Pop, 8 amazing tracks. I just wish the player would let me do more, but then I'd be here for hours because he has so many amazing songs. Its just so hard to take in. I really loved him. It was the first time I became obsessed with something. I know basically every lyric to every song. I hated to hear the negativity, regardless of my own speculations. He was an icon, and I'm sad to say I think he led to his own demise. I wish he knew how loved he was and how I wish he would have just been true to himself and loved himself, because there were millions who did.

R.I.PMichael Joseph JacksonThe King Of PopAugust 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
The world was a better place with you in it. Thank you for all you did.
I'm so sad about it too. :( I seriously think he was a good man, even though he was eccentric. I feel awful for his children... they don't even have a "mother". I'm anxious to see what is going to happen to them.
p.s I actually just commented on several of your last entries. Just so you know in case you don't check.
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