Okay so I realized I promised some deep inner thoughts from yours truly, but of course nothing super thought provoking is really popping into my mind. What is... Dancing, dancing is what's on my mind.
Hehehehe! So You Think You Can
Dance's top 20 preformed tonight. Now if I must say so, coming from a non dancer unless you consider the slutty dancing my generation
became very accustomed to which consists of rubbing your booty on the male crotch... yeah I didn't think so, oh wait where was I, if I must say so this was quite the fantastic opening show. No one was completely horrible, and if you look back on past seasons, there were some bad ones. Yeah some of the dances I didn't prefer, and I liked ones better that the others, but on a whole.... AWESOME. My
orite couple was Evan and Randi. So So
Soooooooo good! They really connected as a couple, and had the most chemistry. I liked the Wade number as well, I love weird routines, thought provoking almost. I was saddened that Sonya didn't get to
choreograph an opening number, she's my favorite. Its actually going to be upsetting for whoever has to go home, because they all preformed really great. I think some of the
choreography actually lacked tonight, that it wasn't the dancer's fault for some of the so so numbers. This is my #1 guilty pleasure show and I will be talking about it quite
alot, come on I get 2 shows a week for the next 2 months, shit I don't even know how long this show runs for. It'll be a glorious few hours a week. Then heated debating with my mother, aunts, and grandma. Bonding, as we call it; dumb, loud, pointless, somewhat idiotic arguing as the men in the family call it.
Speaking of the family, I haven't talked about The Family yet on here. And yes I did call us THE Family, because frankly there isn't another one of us out there like us. Obviously that's cliche and whatnot,
duhhh, no one can be exactly like someone else. But as families go, we
definantly break the mold. We love more unconditionally then any other family I know. I know many families, they love, but not unconditionally. We are insanely loud, and loudly insane. Seriously being in my family, to be heard, is to be the loudest. My poor step father has had problems with that, but little does he know, he's getting louder. I am voted 3rd loudest in the family, only topped by my Grandmother and little cousin, she's oddly loud at such a young age. We are a little insane as well. We hang out way too often, and laugh all too much. We have a good time. Yes alcohol is usually involved, but a good time is what we seek to have with one another. We talk shit.
Ohhhhh lord to we talk shit. We talk shit about each other, we talk shit about others. We gossip like
nobody's business. And we fight, we fight furiously and passionately.

And we fuck up. We fuck up royally. We make horrible mistakes, and we pay for their consequences. But at the end of the day, we love. We love each other. We love our "outsiders". No matter what the fight, no matter what the gossip, at the end of the day we would go to the ends of the earth for someone else in The
Fam. This love is no blood bound either, we take in orphans. We take in those who don't have a family, our hearts are just that big. I have people in my family that for most of my life I was dead sure I was blood related to, only to be challenged by my mother in college, well HOW are you related, and not being able to answer. Then being asked, "Does it even matter?" And you know what, the answer is always no. It doesn't matter what blood you have going through your veins, if you choose to let us love you, you will never know a greater love. I whole
heartidly believe that. We are so accepting of every walk of life, I'm surprised. None of us youngsters have yet to throw the old ones a curve ball they couldn't deal with. I am so proud to be a part of my family. We are like a little mob (yes I actually do have family in the mob, but I promise we really aren't one). I will say this those, I strongly warn those who dare to cross us, those who dare to harm one of us, physically or emotionally, its not a pretty sight. I've seen the aftermath, and I'm lucky to have a family that will stick up for you through thick and through thin.
Being an outsider, once you've wronged us, its damn hard to get back in. I learned that the hard way with an ex of mine. He wronged me, to an extent not even my family knows, but they turned their backs quickly, they saw the pain I was in, they knew without actually knowing he did something terrible. I tried to let him back in, but given my single status, we know how that turned out. I realized that my family is so much a part of me, their approval actually means something to me. A lot more then I anticipated. Their opinions matter so much to me. I tried to act like it wasn't that big of a deal, but it really is. I love my family so much, if someone I love, doesn't love them,
thats a problem. My family comes first, and they are who I am. If you can't love that about me, then OFF with your head!
Holy poo, I
definantly went on a HUGE tangent, So You Think You Can Dance to My Family, the mob....
hehehehe! I really truly hope though, that their are families as close knit as mine is, because the world needs a lot more of them. Its a blessing for sure!
Alrighty roo, I better go to bed. Early morning run, followed up with picking up the
lil' sis from her 2
nd to last 1/2 day of school of the end of her Sophomore year!
Keep those toes
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