I was told today that concerning a certain event, someone lied to me. I can maybe understand the origin of the lie. Maybe this person didn't think they could trust me. Or certain circumstances in this situation would get them into trouble. Or they didn't want me to think less of them. I'm not really sure why, it doesn't make much sense to me. I had already proven to be trustworthy and a good friend.
Now don't get me wrong I am no stranger to lying. I have lied before, not going to say I haven't. I've lied to spare someone's feelings. I lied to my ex about the number of people I've slept with, come on don't act like you haven't. He was damn near a virgin and he already made me out to be a whore, so I just purposely forgot to add a few people when counting. I also had to lie to him and tell him how "huge" he was, and between you and me, he was average at best. (Wow and its a wonder why we didn't last). But see I lied with a purpose, to spare feelings. I wouldn't call myself a liar, but I have lied. Big distinction.
Okay so back to me getting lied to. It was a long time ago, but still. I wasn't really directly involved in this lie at all. I was more of the messenger that delivered information, was lied to about the content, then told to back up these lies. Of course at the time I thought I was backing up truths, so I whole-heartidly did that. To the detriment of someone else's character. Now granted that person may have had a touch of crazy in them before, after I was done, there were psycho. So here I am, months later finding out the truth was really a lie, I feel bad. And I also lost respect for the liar. Because trust me this lie went deep and lasted a long time. Why even tell the truth at that point?! I guess that would have to be my follow up question, why do people lie?!, then "after telling the lie, why tell the truth". Shit I would have taken that fib to the grave. None would be the wiser in this case. But the truth came out, and was told to someone that would tell me. Probably the only connection me and the fibber have to each other these days. Which seems dumb to me, obviously I was going to find out. And of course I already told another person.
Okay I know I shouldn't gossip, but I do. I have the uncanny knack of getting people to tell me everything. But I have a problem with keeping it from my best friends. They don't tell anyone, and know that I won't tell anyone. But people that aren't that close to me tell me shit I don't want to know that is so off the wall that I HAVE to tell someone because it creeps me out 1/2 the time. And this is how the original information came to me, which spawned the huge web of lies.
Now after hearing the lie, I'm borderline mad at this person. I damn near defended their honor, okay I'm not a dude or some knight in shining honor, so I can't say that. But I definantly defended their character because they looked me in the eye and told me the info I was told was a lie and to help diffuse the situation. I did. And left someone looking crazy in my dust. I feel bad. This young impressionable person was really hurt by all of this. I was even defriended on facebook GASP! I know. That's some serious shit right there, you know it is once facebook gets involved. I doubt ill do anything about it, if I'm being honest. I wouldn't even know what to say. Hey slightly crazy person, remember how you dumped this random information on me when I barely knew you, then I called you a liar to the 25 other people you told the same info to? Yeah sorry about that, just found out you weren't lying, have a good day? Yeah not my style. But how do you prevent this from happening again. I'm such a loyal friend I know I will find myself doing this again. I've just never been lied to so well before. I mean right to my face and I didn't for a second question it. That's a true blue lair right there. And sadly I'll probably remain friends with this person. Ho hum.
Alrighty this girly needs to head to bed. Got a big game in hockeytown tomorrow!
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