First off, so saddened by the very anticlimactic ending of the Hills for LC. It like wasn't a good fairwell, and it wa
s like a break up with no closure. The Spiedi Wedding was a sham and YES she did have too much jewelrey on, she looked like Madonna circa Like a Virgin, ew. I also hated Kristin from Laguna and will most likely hate her again, yet the powers of MTV will sucker me into watching the damn show anyway (however I feel like I am growing up, I now usually only watch them all on rerun, me and my busy life). So I was left sad and a little empty...

I happened across the NEW MOON TRAILER! Oh Robert Pattinson, you shall
give me happy dreams tonight. I hope the second movie is infinantly better than the first, good try Ms Hardwicke but you left much to be desired. I will give credit where credit is due, my sister Chloe stuck by Rob P, when I whined about how ugly and how he didn't fit the role. Now I still stick by the fact that someone could have done Edward better, but damnnnnn he is far from ugly. I heart him and want to have his babies! Hehehehee! Okay but back to the trailer, it looked amazing and I cannot wait 11.20.2009!!!!! I'll keep tradition alive and go see it at Midnight for sure.

Okay well I think its about time for this night owl to attempt sleep! Goodnight sleepies!
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