I saw the Hangover today, histerical. I laughed so hard, I'm positive that by seeing it a second time, I'll laugh even harder because I missed so many jokes the first time through because I was laughing so loud. Zach Galifianakis is a genius. Now I've only seen him doing stuff on funny or die, like between two ferns, and I thought he was histerical. But this movie, bascially he MADE this movie. Hold on, I need an IMDB moment. (sit here for a moment and take an IMDB break yourself, hehehehe) Okay so I'm back. I had to check to make sure thats the only place I've seen him. Its not, he has had very minor roles in other movies I've seen. In my recent "vaca/move for a month that totally bombed" I watched "What Happens in Vegas", not one of my finer movie moments, but I did and he is in that. He does give out a very creepy humor but omg its sooooo funny! Basically everything that came out of his mouth was laughable. There really wasn't much that I can complain about. I'm no movie critic, I basically rate movies on how well they kept my interest, and well this one did. And according to my little sister the people behind us were getting annoyed at how loud I, and the guy next to me, were laughing. She cried she laughed so hard, so she can't talk. Ohhh man. Also, when did Bradley Cooper get so goddamned sexy. Holy shit! (He's the guy in the middle for those of you who do not have actor name knowledge, don't worry I will teach you young grasshopper) If you do not find him attractive in this movie you have a serious problem with you. In the first 5 minutes of the movie you learn he is a school teacher. The first words out of my sister's mouth was, if THAT is what my teachers looked like... and then I finished up that comment with far dirtier images in my head then her lil virginal mind could ever dream up. He was yum yum to say the least. So all in all this movie get my two thumbs way up, 5 stars, you will love it if you have any sense of humor at all. Something is in there for everyone! Go see it!
Peace. Love. Laughter
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