Okay I totally stole this from Jen at Haute Whimsy. I don't know if this is thievery, well I stole it so it is thievery, but is it like rude thievery, or acceptable? I'm new to this whole blog scene so I'm not sure if this is totally against the rules. I'm apologizing to Jen now, it was my first time checking out her blog, and was blown away, that I HAD to spread the love of Freddie to more! And I totally agree that he is a cross between Chase Crawford and Ed Westwick, whom I totally love. But if I had to choose one it would be Ed, I like a bad boy, plus he's British, and is in a band. But I mean if I had to settle with Chase I guess I would be fine with that too. Honestly where would my life be if Gossip Girl didn't exist. Hahahaha! It can always go back to Gossip Girl or Twilight. (Seriously how old am I?!) (<--- you know I don't even care I LOVE THEM) (am I really fighting with myself through parenthesis?).

Okay so I promise, that the next time I blog, it will be about something worldly or has some sort of thinking to it, geesh, I swear I am a smart girl! hehehehee!
Ohhhh I did watch the Wrestler tonight. Weird flick, entertaining, depressing though. Mickey Rourke totally deserved the nom for Best Actor, he was great in it. He's a weird weird dude in real life but that was definitely a great comeback role for him. Marissa Tomei, ehhh, she was good, not great, not an Oscar worthy performance, even for a supporting role. Seriously she got the nom because she was nude, and I SWEAR that is the ONLY reason Kate Winslet got her little man. OMG! First off, ugliest biggest nipples award! HELLO! I love Kate Winslet, I haven't seen a movie where I haven't loved her in it. I've recently become obsessed with The Holiday, I love the chick. But COME ON. There wasn't extraordinary acting in The Reader. There wasn't, other than she was completely comfortable being THAT naked for THAT long in front of many people, pretending she was doing it with a 15 year old. Ugh. I hated the movie, it felt disconnected, like two different films they pieced together. It didn't work for me, and I really have no idea WHAT the Academy was thinking. But what makes me the most mad about The Reader, is they had GREAT material. There is not a big movie out there that talks about the other side of the Holocaust. They haven't shown what the people that had no choice but to work with the Nazi's went through. It was a great opportunity to show how it affected so many people outside of those who are Jewish. It wouldn't have glorified them in anyway, or taken away from the horrors and terrors those who were in the Holocaust. They were the ones who suffered the most, I would never for a second say that. But to show those that weren't Jewish, that actually had to be the ones who chose who went to die, suffered as well, that they didn't have a choice, and to show just how disgusting and awful Hitler and those who believed in what they were doing actually were. They had a real shot of something great, and just missed the mark terribly. And somehow got a bunch of Oscar noms. Whatever, Hollywood is weird!
Well looky me, I just talked about something worldly, and non gossip-girly. Hehehehehe! I knew I had it in me. Okay I must jet, before this post turns into a Novel.
Sleep to Dream.
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