As excited that I am for hockey to have a face, after many years without, especially after that ridiculous strike, and a face that is so easy on the eyes, GIVE ME A BREAK! Please do not get me wrong, I love Sidney Crosby, I love him beyond the fact that I find him sexy. He is a great hockey player, there is absolutely no denying that. He is young, he will only improve. But for the love of god will you all shut up about him! The media is making him hated among real hockey fans, hated among the majority of us who aren't Penguins fans. Good lord. Now I realize that I am biased given my location and love of hockey, but seriously enough is enough. I agree with Babcock, watching the commercials I myself started to question who won the Stanley Cup last year. Someone who didn't know hockey at all would think that Crosby is the only one who knows how to play real hockey (with some minor help from Malkin) and that the Penguins dominated last year. Pretty sure that wasn't the case. But watching these games even the announcers are biased. ANNOUNCERS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE BIASED. I'll give Versus a little credit they try to mask their man love for Crosby. But NBC, holy shit, they want to marry and have Crosby's babies while having mini affairs with Malkin. I mean come on, Crosby took a cheap shot at Maltby like a little whiney bitch at the end of game one, and not a single word was said about it. Or how about Malkin's little outburst with Zetterberg, any other player would have been faced with suspension. But nooooo not the media's golden boys. Everything about this series has been set up for Penguin advantage, and HELLO who was the higher seeded team?! I mean come on, with the early start of the series because NBC didn't want the game to run long and cut into Conan's time. They didn't even give the Wings a day to relax between games, nope, they had to be out on the ice less than 24 hours later. Home ice is an advantage, everyone knows it. They tried to rob that from us, and look what we did, shoved it in their faces. What kills me is that the Red Wings are the United States (I don't say league here because those damn Canadian's have the top two spots for most Cups) team that holds the most Stanley Cup wins. You'd think that given how awful everything is in Michigan, they'd give us this ONE thing. Shit they almost didn't want to bail out the Big Three, but thats a whole different convo that I'm NOT touching. But seriously how many times have the Penguins won the Stanley Cup, how many times has Crosby taken a cup home. Yeah thats what I thought. Last time I checked a single person can't win the cup, hell even two, it takes a team. And a team is what the Red Wings are, you may not know every one of their names, we may not have a superstar on the team. But we get the job done and we get the job done right. Yeah they are older, but they are wiser, they know the game and play with a finesse that youngsters like Crosby and Malkin only dream of. Those two will get their moment to hold that cup over their head, but that moment isn't now. And it won't be until the media lets them see what its like to be a part of a team, not supporting the every move of the team. So back off, back away, realize that the Wings are bringing this one home again, their home needs it more, they want it more, and jump on our bandwagon. Praise the Wings, let them bring the cup home to a place that needs some uplifting. Its happening whether you jump on or not, but atleast this way you can be a part of it, instead of an outsider waiting outside of the Penguin's lockerroom waiting to kiss Crosby's ass some more (again I will remind you that is not a job I would refuse, I have a much love for the kid).
Yours Truly,
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