Okay now that I had my little sappy moment. I haven't had anything to thought provoking going on in my life lately. This weekend was pretty relaxed. I need to spice it up a bit, I feel like I'm getting boring. BOOOOO boring. I did read something on someone else's blog, that first infuriated me, because there was a huge diss to Twilight. I have been a Twilight fan LONGGG before it was this huge teeny bopper craze. I like to point these things out to seem less like a dork. It really is true, but I did only read the books due to my little sister. Her teacher assigned the class to read the first one, and I got stuck with taking her to the bookstore, THE DAY BEFORE, she had to read like 1/2 the book, and buy it for her. Six months later, BAM, CRAZE! Okay so I'm rambling, I read on someone's blog how much they loved True Blood, I've heard it was pretty good from various people, but no one directly. It was always ohhh I heard that was a good show. Well since all of the world is now having this huge VAMPIRE CRAZE, I decided to check it out. (And seriously since Twilight, have you noticed how many vampire things have come out, its weird right?) Anyway, True Blood, pretty freaking fantastic. I'm totally hooked. Which is gonna suck for me because I don't have HBO and therefore watching season two is going to pose a slight problem. I'll be whoring myself out for HBO use to my friends... hoooo hum. I do find it kind of funny how the two main characters have some slightly obviously similarities to the two main Twilight characters. And when I say slightly obvious, I really mean, in your face obnoxious obvious. Hahahaha! So Twilight we have Bella and Edward, Edward is
a vampire who can read minds, but for some odd reason can't read Bella's mind. Sookie and Bill, Bill is a vampire, Sookie is the human who can read minds but can't read Bill's Vampire mind... WEIIIIRD! hahahahaha. I haven't read Charlaine Harris's books yet, I've been wanting to but its always checked out of the library. And yes I'm a library nerd. I've recently began reading again. I hated reading all throughout highschool and college. Only reading Harry Potter (was with him before the Potter craze, a thank you very much) and other fine novels like Make Love Like a Pornstar by Jenna Jameson. I have a short attention span, and if you lollygag around talking about a damn blade of grass for 4 paragraphs the book was put down and The Hills were turned on by sentence 2. I'm not proud of it, but thats my brain for ya. So anyway I like reading again, and I'm finding authors I like and genre's that interest me. WOO GO ME! Okay but back to True Blood. I really love it, in a completely different way then Twilight, other than the main character's similarities that I found, its in a whole different world then Twilight, I would never dream to compare the two. I love the relationship between Sookie and Bill, and even though Sam is like the good guy that I should want her to be with, I'm always pulling for Bill. But on the whole Sam aspect, I'm not done with season 1, so no one ruin it for me. If Sam ends up being a freaking werewolf, I'm gonna start to think someone copied off of each others books, thats you Charlaine and Stephenie! I thought he was that dog from like episode 1, but then I swear there was scenes with Bill and the dog together. I'm hoping so hard hes not a werewolf, so so so hard, against my better judgement. I'll like the show a whole hell of a lot better if he's not! But I'd have to say best acting chops goes to Layfayette (sp?). Seriously, he is incredible. He's creepy and so gay and so masculine all at the same time, its utterly fantastic. I adore him! So thats my latest and greatest craze. Everyone should watch!

Alrighty roo, I think I'm gonna watch one more then off to bed!
Bite me.
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