But on a lighter note, just as I thought, So You Think You Can Dance? suckered me in for yet another season. I'm not as attached to the dancers as much this year yet, I feel like they spent way less time introducing them and having little stories. But I guess that is the fair way to do it, can't let anyone have an edge because of their personality, it has to come across on the dance floor.
God, does it make me completely pathetic that I actually said all of that about a dance show?! Ho hum, the things I become passionate about. It boggles my mind.
So I do want to share a little montage of photos from my lil Princess Hammerpants's art show, that I had to miss! So sad, but I have a few favorite pieces! Enjoy!

And thats the talented little beaver in the middle! I met miss Jordan only for a brief moment, but she is good people! And fantastically gifted! I love art of all forms, and envious of those who can put it on paper! I'm so sad I didn't get to make it due to the ohhh what 900 miles we are apart, but I was there in spirit! hehehehe! But these are my favorite peices, all stolen from Facebook, hehehe! Love ya babes!
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