ING. Yes said in 3 syllables. Obviously I have a biased view, since I'm am utterly in love with anything Harry Potter, but I really REALLY liked this movie. I saw it at midnight as planned. What was unreal, was how many theaters just at the place where i saw it, they were showing the film. I believe all 20. It was a MADHOUSE! Even better, my
lil sis and her friend and I managed to be first in line for our theater. So we had the most perfect seats in the world. Now I'm going to start talking about the movie so SPOILER ALERT for those who haven't seen it, or those who haven't seen it and
haven't read the books. I laughed my ass off, I cried, I jumped, almost screamed, and just thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now I heard a lot of
mixed reviews from friends, and I'm not even going to read anything the media has to say about it. But here is my take. I heard a lot of people not like the fact that it wasn't dark. Not me. I loved the fact that they focused on the relationships, and showed that they are growing up and that at the end of the day they are just kids. Kids having to deal with things kids shouldn't have to. Because the next two movies are going to far more dark and the kids are going to become adults. Its also going to make the viewer care more when
Voldemort and crew starts picking off all of Harry's loved ones. The only thing I wished they did more of was show how many more trips Harry and
Dumbledore took together. This was the first time I ever liked this actor as
Dumbledore, the first one, Richard Harris, will always have my heart. I loved the fact that they used so much humor as well. The books always have humor in it, but the movies rarely show it, just making Ron do something stupid to add the comical aspect in there. I love love LOVED it. Beyond loving the movie, I loved the special effects and the
raphy, and above all the acting. UGH, and Helena
Bonham Carter... I think I worship her. I absolutely adore everything she does. And as Bellatrix, GENIUS! Seriously she is such a great actor, and there isn't another actor out there that could have done this role justice. Perfection. And Ron, did anyone notice that he is borderline ripped?!
Ummmmm HELLO?! And I can say that and not feel creepy
pedophile-y because he is 20. Yet another shocker for me. I can't believe that he is 20! I was discussing the movies with a good friend of mine and he said that he feels like we watched them all grow up. We kind of really did. Seriously go look back at how young Harry looks in the first movie, its absolutely CRAZY. Another thing that my friend and I talked about was the fact that we wish the movies were set in real time, because a couple hours just doesn't cut it. Another thing... I had no CLUE this movie was 2 hours and 45 minutes. Going to be at 3 am on a Tuesday isn't the greatest idea. But it was
definitely well worth it. What I would give to be J.K. Rowling, that woman is just rolling in it. How great for her though, being a single mother, to writing books that will continue to sell long after she is not around anymore, and movies that grossed over 4.5 billion dollars worldwide. Holy crap. When is it my turn.
In love with Harry Potter.
I agree with everything in this post!! I adored this movie, worth the time spent waiting in line. I just walked away saying "I love Harry Potter!"
harry potter! i wanna watch it!
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