So its the night before the 6th Harry Potter Movie comes out, well the night before the midnight showing that is. Being thrilled is a understatement. Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. I read these books LONG before they were a craze. But they brought me back to reading. School had done a number on reading for me, it made me hate it. I always hated English, I was good, but I loathed it. I perceive things quite differently from other people. My friends constantly make fun of me for watching something as mundane as a commercial with them, and getting something completely different out of it then every single person in the room. I often pay attention to music instead of words and then have no clue what I was watching was actually about. So reading in school, where you are forced to accept certain "answers" and forced to highlight certain parts as being important or pivotal, I quickly started hating reading. I survived highschool english on cliff notes and sparknotes. I'm also stubborn so I don't like to be told what to do. But beyond that, when I read, I like to make my own judgements about everything. To me books are like art, they are put out there for individuals to judge, and unless the author is present in those English classes, no teacher is going to tell me what means what. Books should be respected and cherished, no broken apart by grade school English teachers, no matter their qualifications. Let children learn to love to read, then start debating meanings. I don't think anything should be set in stone, as this is this, period the end. Holy poo did I go off on a tangent. Back to HP. Anyway, HP got me reading again. I loved it. It instantly sucked me in, and I've been hooked ever since. They are also the first books that I have been able to re-read. And I've done that quite often, I love them that much. I am so excited for tomorrow, but a little nervous, I know (SPOILER ALERT) Dumbledore dies, and I wept like a baby then refused to actually believe it until book 7 was completely read, but I'm afraid on how bad I'll cry in the theater. I've become a sap with old age, and I cry at commercials. But I have a daddy issue, and Dumbledore was like a dad to Harry, so I should just pack a few tissues and not wear mascara. Ohhhhh lord. I just hate going to bed after I cry cuz I end up with super huge puffy swollen eyes. Oh well its the price you pay for things you love. I'll update on how the movie was Wednesday.
Wingardium Leviosa.
I'm going to wait in line on tuesday and wait for it to be wednesday so I can see this movie. I have been dying to see Harry Potter for a while and now its here!I'm a self professed Harry lover and I can't contain the excitement!
I already have m tickets...=)
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