1. My cousin will become BA (badass) like Liam Neeson from the movie taken. *note* he claims he already is... but I think he still needs some work.
2. We decided if his brother was in a band he would play the key-tar, wear a key-tie, and also play the triangle and cowbell.
3. The army does not use peeling potatoes as a punishment anymore. (that one did bring disappointment finding out)
4. My cousins favorite colors are green, blue, gray, and black.
Hehehehe... so I promise to find out more cool things specifically about the army like the potato peeling bit... thats shocking right... because you all don't really know my cuz and get the inside jokes. It'll be fun. Plus it makes me feel good getting to hear from him, knowing I'm making him chuckle at my randomness.
To any of you reading that also has a loved one in the services, my heart is with you and those troops are in my prayers. Its a brave thing they are all doing and I know my world is a better place with them in it.
Peace. Love. Hope.
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